В авиакомпании «Аэрофлот» закончились субсидированные билеты для жителей и студентов Калининградской области, выделенные на первые месяцы 2025 года
The main idea of the text is that subsidized air tickets for residents and students of the Kaliningrad region from "Aeroflot" have been exhausted until the beginning of 2025.
Residents are advised to check with other airlines, such as "Ural Airlines", which will begin selling subsidized tickets from January 9, 2025.
The main idea of the text is that subsidized air tickets for residents and students of the Kaliningrad region from "Aeroflot" have been exhausted until the beginning of 2025. Residents are advised to check with other airlines, such as "Ural Airlines", which will begin selling subsidized tickets from January 9, 2025.